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Turtle Species

10 Turtle Species That Make Wonderful Pets

Turtles can be a unique and rewarding choice for a pet. Their slow-moving, contemplative nature provides a calming presence in your home. However, owning a turtle requires understanding their specific needs and long-term commitment. In this guide, we’ll explore ten turtle species that make excellent pets, offering a blend of beauty, longevity, and manageability.

Why Choose a Turtle as a Pet?

Turtles are unique pets due to their longevity and distinct personalities. They can live for several decades, making them a long-term companion. However, they require specialized care, including proper habitat setup, diet, and handling. Keeping your turtle’s environment clean and ensuring it receives appropriate care is crucial for its health and well-being.

Overview of 10 Turtle Species

Below is a quick comparison of the ten turtle species covered in this guide. Each entry provides a snapshot of their characteristics and care needs.

Common Name Scientific Name Adult Size Life Span Habitat 1Needs
Red-Eared Slider Trachemys scripta elegans Up to 12 inches 20-30 years Aquatic
African Sideneck Turtle Pelomedusa subrufa 8-12 inches Up to 50 years Aquatic
Eastern Box Turtle Terrapene carolina carolina 5-7 inches 40-50 years Terrestrial
Western Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta bellii Up to 10 inches Around 50 years Aquatic
Mississippi Map Turtle Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni Up to 10 inches 15-25 years Aquatic
Common Musk Turtle Sternotherus odoratus Up to 5 inches Up to 50 years Aquatic
Spotted Turtle Clemmys guttata Up to 5 inches 50-100 years Aquatic
Yellow-Bellied Slider Trachemys scripta scripta 5-9 inches (males); 8-13 inches (females) Up to 40 years Aquatic
Reeve’s Turtle Mauremys reevesii 6-9 inches 10-20 years Aquatic
Wood Turtle Glyptemys insculpta Up to 8 inches Up to 50 years Terrestrial with access to water

1. Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)

Red Eared Slider The Red-Eared Slider is a popular aquatic turtle known for its striking appearance. It features a vibrant green shell with yellow markings and bright red stripes behind its eyes. Growing up to 12 inches long, this turtle can live 20-30 years. It is active and requires a large, well-maintained tank with clean water and a basking area for optimal health.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Red-Eared Slider
Scientific Name Trachemys scripta elegans
Adult Size Up to 12 inches
Life Span 20-30 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Commercial pellets, aquatic plants, insects, fish
  • Enclosure: Large tank (at least 75 gallons), UVB lighting, water temperature between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Requires regular water changes and a basking area.

2. African Sideneck Turtle (Pelomedusa subrufa)

African Sideneck Turtle
The African Sideneck Turtle is easily recognizable by its long neck, which cannot retract into its shell. It has a brown or olive shell and can grow up to 12 inches long, with a lifespan of up to 50 years. Preferring a calm environment, this species needs a well-maintained aquatic habitat with UVB lighting.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names African Sideneck Turtle
Scientific Name Pelomedusa subrufa
Adult Size 8-12 inches
Life Span Up to 50 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Pellets, insects, leafy greens
  • Enclosure: Large tank with lighting, water temperature between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Prefers a quiet environment and requires regular water changes.

3. Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina)

Eastern Box TurtleThe Eastern Box Turtle is known for its vibrant, multicolored shell and terrestrial lifestyle. It grows up to 7 inches long and can live over 40 years. This turtle requires a spacious, humid enclosure with UVB lighting to replicate its natural habitat.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Eastern Box Turtle
Scientific Name Terrapene carolina carolina
Adult Size 5-7 inches
Life Span 40-50 years
Habitat Needs Terrestrial
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Terrestrial
  • Diet: Leafy greens, fruits, insects
  • Enclosure: Spacious enclosure with high humidity, temperatures between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Needs a varied diet and can be sensitive to handling.

4. Western Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii)

Western Painted TurtleThe Western Painted Turtle is admired for its vivid red and orange markings. It can grow up to 10 inches long and live around 50 years. This active aquatic turtle requires a large, clean tank with UVB lighting and a basking area.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Western Painted Turtle
Scientific Name Chrysemys picta bellii
Adult Size Up to 10 inches
Life Span Around 50 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Commercial pellets, aquatic plants, live food
  • Enclosure: Large tank with UVB lighting, water temperature between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Requires ample space and clean water.

5. Mississippi Map Turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni)

Mississippi Map TurtleThe Mississippi Map Turtle features distinctive shell patterns resembling a map. It grows up to 10 inches long and lives 15-25 years. This species needs a spacious tank with UVB lighting and clean water to thrive.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Mississippi Map Turtle
Scientific Name Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni
Adult Size Up to 10 inches
Life Span 15-25 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Commercial food, insects, aquatic plants
  • Enclosure: Large tank with UVB lighting, water temperature between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Requires regular water maintenance and ample space.

6. Common Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus)

Common Musk TurtleThe Common Musk Turtle, also known as the Stinkpot, is a small turtle with a distinctive musky odor. It grows up to 5 inches long and can live up to 50 years. This species requires a shallow tank with UVB lighting and a diet of commercial pellets, insects, and small fish.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Common Musk Turtle
Scientific Name Sternotherus odoratus
Adult Size Up to 5 inches
Life Span Up to 50 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Commercial pellets, insects, small fish
  • Enclosure: Shallow tank with UVB lighting, water temperature between 75-80°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Needs basking spots and is not a strong swimmer.

7. Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata)

The Spotted Turtle is a small turtle with a beautifully patterned shell covered in yellow spots. It can grow up to 5 inches long and live between 50 to 100 years. This turtle needs a shallow tank with UVB lighting and a diet of commercial pellets, leafy greens, and insects.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Spotted Turtle
Scientific Name Clemmys guttata
Adult Size Up to 5 inches
Life Span 50-100 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Commercial pellets, leafy greens, insects
  • Enclosure: Shallow tank with UVB lighting, water temperature between 70-80°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Sensitive to habitat changes and handling.

8. Yellow-Bellied Slider (Trachemys scripta scripta)

Yellow-Bellied SliderThe Yellow-Bellied Slider is an attractive aquatic turtle with a yellow underside and distinctive markings. Males grow up to 9 inches, while females can reach up to 13 inches. It can live up to 40 years and requires a large tank with UVB lighting, clean water, and a basking area.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Yellow-Bellied Slider
Scientific Name Trachemys scripta scripta
Adult Size 5-9 inches (males); 8-13 inches (females)
Life Span Up to 40 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Commercial pellets, aquatic plants, insects, fish
  • Enclosure: Large tank with UVB lighting, water temperature between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Needs ample space and clean water.

9. Reeve’s Turtle (Mauremys reevesii)

Reeve's TurtleReeve’s Turtle is a peaceful, small aquatic species that grows 6-9 inches long and can live 10-20 years. It has a calm demeanor and needs a well-maintained tank with UVB lighting and water temperatures between 75-85°F. Its diet includes pellets, insects, and aquatic plants.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Reeve’s Turtle
Scientific Name Mauremys reevesii
Adult Size 6-9 inches
Life Span 10-20 years
Habitat Needs Aquatic
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Aquatic
  • Diet: Commercial pellets, insects, aquatic plants
  • Enclosure: Large tank with UVB lighting, water temperature between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Requires regular water maintenance and ample space.

10. Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta)

Wood TurtleThe Wood Turtle is known for its unique, sculptured shell and prefers a terrestrial habitat with access to water. It can grow up to 8 inches long and live up to 50 years. This turtle needs a spacious enclosure with high humidity, UVB lighting, and a diet of leafy greens, fruits, and insects.

Overview Table:

Aspect Details
Common Names Wood Turtle
Scientific Name Glyptemys insculpta
Adult Size Up to 8 inches
Life Span Up to 50 years
Habitat Needs Terrestrial with access to water
Diet Omnivorous

Care Requirements:

  • Habitat: Terrestrial with access to water
  • Diet: Leafy greens, fruits, insects
  • Enclosure: Spacious enclosure with high humidity, UVB lighting, temperatures between 75-85°F
  • Unique Care Considerations: Needs both land and water areas; careful habitat management required.

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